Sunday, 15 February 2009

Old photos

I came across some of my old photos the other day while having a clear out and I thought I'd put this interesting one on the blog. Can any one tell what model this was under the "light" disguise? The picture was taken at the Arctic test centre in Lapland Northern Sweden.

I spent a week in the Arctic testing with this car and above is one of the shots I got of an early morning sunrise. The temperature when this was taken was approx. -35C so I was glad to get inside!


Anonymous said...

it's one of the original Bentley Continental R/T, shown in its disguise to test on the roads. The lights on top were to help the test team spot the suicidal herds of reindeer that leapt onto the road when the cars were tested at night on the open road.
Breakfast, lunch & dinner was always based on reindeer - reindeer bacon, stew, steak, sausage. After 2 or 3 weeks of it, you saw Rudolph in a totally different light.

If I remember correctly it also involved a Camera & Film crew following us around to create Publicity info for when car was eventually released to the Press

Anonymous said...

it's one of the original Bentley Continental R/T, shown in its disguise to test on the roads. The lights on top were to help the test team spot the suicidal herds of reindeer that leapt onto the road when the cars were tested at night on the open road.
Breakfast, lunch & dinner was always based on reindeer - reindeer bacon, stew, steak, sausage. After 2 or 3 weeks of it, you saw Rudolph in a totally different light.

If I remember correctly it also involved a Camera & Film crew following us around to create Publicity info for when car was eventually released to the Press

NickG said...

Thanks, you're correct of course, and I'd forgotten how many ways there where to eat reindeer!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick and Paul. Just come across this blog site. Remeber the trip well.
Can you recall the Truck driver that came as well.

Sean B

NickG said...

Hi Sean, Yes I remember the driver, I have a photo of the whole team at an evening meal the Hotel put on for us. I'll publish it later...


Anonymous said...

That would be great Nick. So many brilliant memories.
I am currently heavely into the music scene at the moment. Complete turn around from RR/Bently.
See my blog Urban Rock Music on the Crewe TV/ Blog site.
Looking forward to the piccies and enjoy your retirement.
Sean B