Sunday, 15 February 2009

Old photos

I came across some of my old photos the other day while having a clear out and I thought I'd put this interesting one on the blog. Can any one tell what model this was under the "light" disguise? The picture was taken at the Arctic test centre in Lapland Northern Sweden.

I spent a week in the Arctic testing with this car and above is one of the shots I got of an early morning sunrise. The temperature when this was taken was approx. -35C so I was glad to get inside!

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Here we go!

Just an idea I had to keep in touch with colleagues who were employed by Bentley and Rolls-Royce at Crewe. As bad times have hit the Crewe site many people have left through the early release scheme, some before they had actually planned for. I hope this blog site can let people post some stories of the good times that they had at Bentley and enable some to keep in touch. Well let's see how it goes!

If you have any pictures, stories etc you would like put on this site then just email them to me and I'll get them published.